Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Paludarium Construction (Update - 3)

 It has been a while since I've updated as I was out of town at a conference in LasVegas this past week. Unfortunately, due to some combination of a light failure and the heat coming on in my apartment, I think one of my lime plants may not make it.  All of the leaves are dried and have fallen off, save for a few.  I'm hoping a fixed light, more water/humidity, redirecting the heating vent, and some TLC will bring the plant back!  The paludarium is in the final testing stages right now.  I simplified the waterfall and humidifier so it isn't quite as impressive looking as I'd intended but I'm hoping with a little finish work that it will be an amazing little project with things I had on hand (except for a few here and there).  If everything continues to go according to plan, I'll likely have a miracle fruit plant acclimating in there in a day or two!  I am hoping that I can get the humidity up into at least the 70% range and keep the temperature below 85F. I want to make sure that the foam wall has more chance to stabilize before I completely change the water, install the internal filter pump, and add the substrate to the water section. Then it is time to aquascape, cycle, and get some fishies!  Then I'll have to find a new project to tackle. ;-)
The fogger does a fair bit of splashing as well.  When the top has been closed for a bit, it is hard to see the temp/humidity gauge through the fog!

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