Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Happy Holidays everyone! All the plants made it through the Thanksgiving holiday break. I haven't kept on the aphids and they seem to have come back after not spraying for a few weeks. I need to just find a few lady bugs to do the job. The miracle fruit plant in the paludarium is starting to push out some new growth and what looks to be a flower bud! I'll take pics later when I know for sure. I've also put a few spinach seedlings in the aquarium aquaponics and will write some posts on that later (assuming they perk up from the transplant). I'm also working on a "Non-traditional Christmas Tree" that will be a hydroponic tower (version 1.0) growing lettuce and spinach. If it works well, I hope to make one that grows fuchsia and passionflower vines. More updates coming soon! :)